IELTS speaking test 対策ブログ

IELTS speaking section で高得点を狙うための対策記録です

2018/1/25 (木) 英会話タイムトライアル





★ お入りください

Good morning.


Uh, you said you wanted to see me.

★ 来てくれてありがとう。ミーティングに時間通りに来てくれるように話したくて。私も時々遅刻するけど、時間通りにミーティングを始める必要があるので。

Oh, yes. I have been late a lot recently. I’m sorry about that. I promise it won’t happen again.

★ そう言ってくれてありがとう。一生懸命働いているのはわかります。ミーティングには時間通りに来てくださいね。

Oh, thanks, boss. Bye-bye.

★ お疲れ様.



Hi, you wanted to see me this morning, right?

★ あなたはいい人でクリエーティブでもあるんだけど、職場での服装について話をする必要があるんです。

Yeah, I get hot easily. But I guess my outfits are too casual. I’m sorry about that.

★ わかりました。エアコンを調整したり、大きな扇風機をつけたりできるかもしれません。T-shirts とジーンズはやめてましょうね。いいですか?

Yeah, Okay. I promise I’ll dress up better for work from now on.

★ よろしい。お疲れ様、トム。



★ Come on in.

Good morning.

★ Good morning.

Uh, you said you wanted to see me.

★ Yeah, thanks for coming. I need to talk to you about being on time for meetings. I’m late sometimes too. But we need to start meetings on time.

Oh, yes. I have been late a lot recently. I’m sorry about that. I promise it won’t happen again.

★ Well, thank you for saying that. I know you’re working hard. Just make sure you’re on time for our meetings.

Oh, thanks, boss. Bye-bye.

★ Sure. Bye-bye.


★ Come on in.

Hi, you wanted to see me this morning, right?

★ Well you’re such a good and creative employee. But we need to talk about your outfits for work.

Yeah, I get hot easily. But I guess my outfits are too casual. I’m sorry about that.
★ I understand. Maybe we can adjust the AC, and get you a big fan, but let's avoid T-shirts and jeans. Okay?

Yeah, Okay. I promise I’ll dress up better for work from now on.

★ That’ll be great. Thanks, Tom.