IELTS speaking test 対策ブログ

IELTS speaking section で高得点を狙うための対策記録です

英会話タイムトライアル 7/5(木)~7/6(金) 備忘録


§ Warm-up Quiz

自宅にやってきたゲストに "Hi, there" と言われたときの返答方法

1) Hi, there.

2) Welcome to our home.

3) Hi, how are you?



 - Your door bell rings...

Come on in.

Oh, hi, there.
Hi, there. Welcome to our home.

Well, sorry Im a little late.
Its no problem at all.

Oh, should I take off my shoes?
★ Yes, please. Just put your shoes right there. And here are some slippers for you.

Okay, thanks for having me. What a nice home you have!
Oh, thanks. Its not that big. And it needs some renovation. We love this location, though. Its so convenient.

Its great to finally meet your family.
Likewise. Theyre happy to meet you too.

Im looking forward to spending time with everyone.
Same here. Were looking forward to spending time with you too.



Come on in.
Oh, hi, there.
Hi, there. Welcome to our home.
Sorry I’m a little late.

Its no problem at all.
Oh, where should I put my umbrella?
Just put your umbrella here. Actually Ill take that.
Should I take off my shoes?
Yes, please. Just put your shoes right there, and here are some slippers for you.
Okay, thanks for having me. What a nice home you have!
Oh, thanks. Its small, and its getting old, but its a cozy home for us.
Well, it’s great to finally meet your family.

Likewise. Theyre happy to meet you too.
Nice to meet to you.
So this must be your …

This is my sister. Her name is Shiho. And this is my mom. Her name is Yuki.
Okay, ______________________________. I’m looking forward to spending time with everyone.

Likewise. Were looking forward to spending time with you.


※ 下線部は、聞き取りに自信がないため空欄にしています。


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