IELTS speaking test 対策ブログ

IELTS speaking section で高得点を狙うための対策記録です

英会話タイムトライアル 5月23日(水)~25日(金)備忘録


§ Warm-up Quiz

Q: Do they have anything for children?

1) They have candy.
2) I think they have traditional Japanese toys.
3) I’m not sure. Let’s look.


Oh, this is a nice Japanese souvenir shop, isn’t it?
★ Yes, they have so many souvenirs. What would you like to get?
My daughter is three years old. Do they have anything for children?
★ I think they have some traditional Japanese toys like a toy called KENDAMA.
Well, do they have clothing like a kimono for children?
★ Actually, they might.
Oh, here are little kimonos. It says ▽※≒. What’s that?
★ It’s called YUKATA. It’s a kind of kimono. It’s like a summer kimono.
So this is a special kind of kimono for the summer?
★ Yes, the material isn’t thick. So it’s nice to wear in hot summer.
So how much is this one?
★ It’s two-thousand-five-hundred yen. That’s reasonable, I think.
Okay, this one is perfect. I’m so glad we came to the store.
★ Yeah, they have nice souvenirs. The register is over there. Follow me.




Oh, this is a nice Japanese souvenir shop, isn’t it?
★ Yes, they have so many souvenirs. What would you like to get?
My daughter is three years old. Do they have anything for children?
★ I think they have some traditional Japanese toys like a toy called けん玉.
Well, do they have clothing like a kimono for children?
★ Actually, they might.
Oh, here are little kimonos. It says ▽※≒. What’s that?
★ It’s called YUKATA. It’s a kind of kimono. It’s like a summer kimono.
YUKATA! So this is a special kind of kimono for the summer?
★ Yes, the material isn’t thick. So it’s nice to wear in summer.
So how much is this one?
★ It’s two-thousand-five-hundred yen. That’s reasonable, I think.
Okay… and I need to find something for my husband. What do you recommend?
★ Would he like clothing or stationary?
Oh, actually, he mentioned Japanese fans. Do they have Japanese fans?
★ Probably. That might be a good souvenir for this summer too.
Here are the fans. This is nice, and this pattern is beautiful. How much is this Japanese fan?
★ It’s eight-hundred-fifty yen.
Okay, this one is perfect. I’m so glad we came to the store.
★ Yeah, they have nice souvenirs. The register is over there. Follow me.



A) 皆さん、ありがとう

B) いいえ、こちらこそありがとう


A) Everyone, thank you.

B) No, thank you.


きっぱり断るときの thank you を使った言い方 → No, thank you.



はい、何でしょうか? → Sorry?


A) 皆さん、ごめんなさい

B) こちらこそ、ごめんなさい


A) Oh, everyone, I'm sorry.

B) No, I'm sorry.

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