IELTS speaking test 対策ブログ

IELTS speaking section で高得点を狙うための対策記録です

英会話タイムトライアル 9/13(木)~9/14(金) 備忘録








§ Warm- up Quiz

Q) Have you ever taken a class for adults?
1 No, but Id like to.
2 I used to take calligraphy lessons.
3 Yes, taking different classes is like a hobby for me.


対話カラオケ Basic

Excuse me, would you hand me that yellow flower?
Sure. Here you are.
Thanks. Wow! Yours looks great.
Oh, thanks. Yours looks great too.
Is this the first time you’ve made a Hawaiian lei?
Actually, yes. Its harder than I expected. But its fun.
Well, youre good at this. Have you ever taken a class like this for adults, like flower arrangement, pottery, hula?
Ive wanted to for a long time, but I always get busy with this or that. How about you?
I took a hula class once. So what do you do in your free time?
Well, I like to travel, And I take English conversation classes at a community center. How about you?
Actually, I love Japanese anime. Are you into Japanese anime?
I used to be. I used to be so into one called Random Power.
Really. Oh, by the way, Im Mark. And you are …
Im Hanako.




Excuse me, would you hand me that yellow flower?
Sure. Here you are.
Thanks. Wow! Yours looks great.
Oh, thanks. Yours looks great too.
Is this the first time you’ve made a Hawaiian lei?
Actually, yes. Its harder than I expected, but its fun.
Well, youre good at this. Have you ever taken a class like this for adults, like flower arrangement, pottery, hula?
I used to take Japanese calligraphy lessons. How about you?
I took a hula class once. So what do you do in your free time?
Well, my hobby is solving cross-word puzzles. And I take English conversation classes at a community center. How about you?
Actually, I love cooking. I want to learn to make sushi. It seems hard. Do you think its hard to learn?
It might be a little hard at first, but it gets easier.
Are you into cooking?
I used to be. I just cook for myself and my family now.
Well, Im getting hungry. Do you have any plans for lunch today?
No, why dont we go to the cafeteria together after this.
Okay, Oh, by the way, Im Mary. And you are …
Im Takeshi.
Well, its so nice to meet you.
Its nice to meet you too.

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ