IELTS speaking test 対策ブログ

IELTS speaking section で高得点を狙うための対策記録です

英会話タイムトライアル 8/22(水)~8/23(木) 備忘録



§ Warm-up Quiz

Can we get new office chairs?
1. Yes, go ahead and order them.
2. Sure, let’s get them this month.
3. Okay, Let’s order the best chairs on the market.



Well, you become our company’s new president. Congratulations.
Thank you. I’m so honored.
Well, actually, I need to ask for one thing, new computers. Ours are old and slow.
I do understand. How much are the new computers?
Here is the price for the new computers. They are not that expensive.
It’s not bad. We should buy those.
So we can order them?
Yes, go for it.
Okay, thanks so much. Have a nice day.

Come on in.
Well, our new president. You must be busy, but may I ask for some help?
Of course. Ask me anything.
Our office chairs are a little hard and uncomfortable.
I see.
Can we get new office chairs next month?
Sure, let’s get them this month.
Okay, thanks for your time.
Sure. I’m looking forward to seeing the new chairs.




Our new president, congratulations.
Thank you.
Well, actually I need to ask for one thing, new computers. Ours are old and slow.
Well, computer models change first. Let’s wait and see.
So can we order them or not?
Not now, but thanks for your idea.
Okay. Thanks for your time.


Good afternoon. May I ask for some help with just one little thing?
All right. How can I help you?
Our office chairs are a little hard and uncomfortable.
That’s true. But I use a cushion and it seems Okay.
Can we get new office chairs sometime this year?
Let me say no for this year.
Okay, I understand. Thanks for your time.


Can I come in?
Yes, have a seat.
Well, you know why I’m here, right?
Well, you know why you’re here, right?
It’s the perfect time to move our offices to Hawaii. What do you think?
Excuse me? Moving to Hawaii is too drastic, isn’t it?
Okay, maybe we can talk about this another time.
Maybe, but you might wanna bring more practical ideas.
Yeah, I think you’ll be a great president.
Well, I hope so. It was nice talking to you, Emma.


にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ




Well, you become a company’s new president. Congratulations.
★ ありがとう。とても光栄です。
Well, actually, I need to ask for one thing, new computers. Ours are old and slow.
★ よくわかります。新しいコンピューターはいくらですか?
Here is the price for the new computers. They are not that expensive.
★ 悪くないですね。買ってもいいかもしれませんね。
So we can order them.
★ はい、どうぞすすめてください。
Okay, thanks so much. Have a nice day.

★ おはいりください
Well, our new president. You must be busy, but may I ask for some help?
★ もちろんです。なんでも聞いてください
Our office chairs are a little hard and uncomfortable.
★ なるほど
Can we get new office chairs next month?
★ いいですよ。今月中に調達しましょう
Okay, thanks for your time.
★ どういたしまして。新しい椅子が楽しみです。



Our new president, congratulations.
★ ありがとう
Well, actually I need to ask for one thing, new computers. Ours are old and slow.
★ コンピューターはどんどん新しいのが出てきますからね。様子を見ましょう。

So can we order them or not?
★ オーダーはまた別の機会にでも。提案してくれてありがとう
Okay. Thanks for your time.


Good afternoon. May I ask for some help with just one little thing?
★ もちろんです。どうしましたか?
Our office chairs are a little hard and uncomfortable.
★ そのとおりですね。クッションを使ってみたらいい感じですよ
Can we get new office chairs sometime this year?
★ 今年中はノーと言わせてください。
Okay, I understand. Thanks for your time.


Can I come in?
★ えぇ、(椅子に)かけてください。
Well, you know why I’m here, right?
★ う~ん、あなたがここにいる理由はあなたがご存じなのでは?
It’s the perfect time to move our offices to Hawaii. What do you think?
★ なんですって?ハワイに移転なんてぶっ飛びすぎじゃないですか?

Okay, maybe we can talk about this another time.
★ もう少し現実に即したアイデアを持ってきてほしいですね

Yeah, I think you’ll be our great president.
★ そうなればいいですが。。。それではエマさん、失礼します。