IELTS speaking test 対策ブログ

IELTS speaking section で高得点を狙うための対策記録です

英会話タイムトライアル 6/7(木)~6/8(金) 備忘録


Warm-up Quiz

Q) What’s the name of the temple or shrine near here?

1) There is one called Minami-dera.

2) Are you looking for Minami-dera?

3) Is it this one? スマートフォンの画面を見せながら)


Excuse me.

Im looking for a temple, I think. But it might be a shrine. Whats the name of the temple or shrine near here?
There is one called Minami-dera. Are you looking for that one?

Yes, thats where I want to go. How can I get there from this train station?
Its that way. Its about 5 or 10 minutes from here. Its on your right. Its easy to find.

Okay, and whats the name of this area?
Its called Higashi-machi.

Okay, first I walk around, and maybe get a bento. Is there a convenience store near here?
Yeah, its that way. Its not far. Can you see the white sign? Thats it.

Got it. And is there a park near here?
Yes, its that way. Follow this street. Its on your left.

Okay, I appreciate your help. Thanks.
Sure. Enjoy Higashi-machi.



Excuse me.

Im looking for a temple, I think. But it might be a shrine. Whats the name of the temple or shrine near here?
Theres one called Minami-dera. Are you looking for that one?

Yes, thats where I want to go. How can I get there from this train station?
Its that way. Its about 10 or 15 minutes from here. Its not easy to find. Are you gonna walk?

Should I take a taxi or a bus?
Well, its walkable. But a bus or a taxi is easier. The bus stops right in front of the temple.

Well, maybe Ill walk around here a little. By the way, do you know this area well?
Not well, but well enough.

So whats the name of this area?
Its called Higashi-machi.

Okay, first I’ll walk around and maybe get a bento. Is there a convenience store near here?

Yeah, its that way. Its not far. Can you see that traffic light? Its next to the traffic light.

Got it, and is there a park near here?
Yes, its that way. Follow this street. Its on your right.

Okay, I appreciate your help. Thanks.
Sure. Enjoy Higashi-machi.


にほんブログ村 英語ブログ やり直し英語へ



Excuse me.
★ はい?

Im looking for a temple, I think. But it might be a shrine. Whats the name of the temple or shrine near here?
★ 南寺という寺ならあります。南寺を探してるのですか?

Yes, thats where I want to go. How can I get there from this train station?
★ あちらのほうにあって、ここから10分か15分くらいです。見つけにくいですが、徒歩で行かれますか?

Should I take a taxi or a bus?
★ 歩ける距離ですが、タクシーかバスのほうが簡単ですよ。バスはお寺の目の前に止まります。

Well, maybe Ill walk around here a little. By the way, do you know this area well?
★ よく知ってるわけではないですが、全く知らなくもないです。

So whats the name of this area?
★ 東町です。.

Okay, first I’ll walk around, and maybe get a bento. Is there a convenience store near here?

★ あちらの方角です。遠くはありません。あの信号が見えますか?信号の隣です。

Got it, and is there a park near here?
★ えぇ、あちらのほうにあります。この通りを進んでください。右側にありますよ。

Okay, I appreciate your help. Thanks.
★ いえいえ、東町をお楽しみください。