5月17日(木) 対話カラオケ
§ Warm-up Quiz
What’s the name of this hundred-yen shop?
1) It’s called Hyakkin Mega store.
2) It’s a funny name. It’s called SOS for one-hundred.
3) Actually I can’t remember.
Thank for taking me to the hundred-yen shop today.
★ Sure. It won’t be crowded this early in the morning.
What’s the name of this hundred-yen shop?
★ It’s called SOS for one-hundred. It’s not a very big chain.
Oh, does this hundred-yen shop have green tea?
★ They have bottled green tea, but I’m not sure about tea bags or tea leaves.
Well, do they have Japanese souvenirs?
★ Yeah, they have some traditional Japanese things. I think they have fans and dolls. They also have gadgets and useful tools.
How about Japanese spices or seasonings like wasabi?
★ I’m not sure. Let’s check.
Okay. I hope I’ll find something for my friends and family.
★ Yeah, let’s find some good stuff.
Where should we go first in this store?
★ Oh, look! They spices and seasonings are over here. Follow me.
5月18日(金)対話カラオケ Advanced
Thanks for taking me to the hundred-yen shop today.
★ Sure. It won't be crowded this early in the morning.
What's the name of this hundred-yen shop?
★ Actually, I can’t remember.
→ 〇イソーを思い浮かべて、It's called 〇イソー. It's one of the very big chains. としました。
Oh... Does this hundred-yen shop have green tea?
★ They have bottled green tea, but I'm not sure about tea bags or tea leaves.
Yesterday, I had green tea flavored ice cream. Actually, l I think it was called まっしゃ ice cream? Is that right? まっしゃ?
★ Almost. It pronounced まっちゃ.
→ 惜しい!!の意味で almost を1st round で使えて嬉しい☺
Oh, it’s called まっちゃ。What is まっちゃ?
★ It’s a kind of tea. It’s made from green tea leaves. Usually it’s powder and it’s a little stronger than green tea.
→ 1st round で It's a kind of ~ を使えたこと、まっちゃ is powder... grinding tea leaves into powder と付け加えた自分を褒めてあげよう☺
At the hundred-yen shop, do they have any まっちゃ flavored foods or drinks?
★ I think they do. I want to buy some too.
→ Well, they have chocolates with まっちゃ, I think.と答えてみました。
Do they have Japanese souvenirs?
★ Yeah. They have some traditional Japanese things. I think they have fans and dolls. They also have gadgets and useful tools.
How about Japanese spices or seasonings like wasabi?
★ Actually, they have a lot of seasonings. Not just wasabi but also ginger and plum seasonings.
→ not just ~ but also ~ 。とっさに使えそうで使えなさそう。。。よく練習しておかねば‼ ところでplum seasonings って何でしょう?ゆかりのふりかけとかのことかな?
OK, I read about some useful Japanese kitchen tools. Have you ever bought kitchen tools at the hundred-yen shop?
★ Oh, year. I have lots of little things in my kitchen from the hundred-yen shop.
OK. Where should we go first in this store?
→ Yes, I have. They are cheap, but the quality is not bad. としてみました。使用感とか知りたいかなぁ。。。と思って。
★ Maybe… the stationary section... but look!! The spices and seasonings are over here. Follow me.
By the way, can we use credit cards here? Or is it cash only at the store?
★ As far as I know, we can only use cash here.
→ as far as I know かぁ。。。私は I think we can only use cash here, but I'll ask someone. としてみました。
Thanks for taking me to the hundred-yen shop today.
★ どういたしまして。これだけ朝早いと混雑してないと思いますよ。
What's the name of this hundred-yen shop?
★ う~ん、思い出せません
Oh... Does this hundred-yen shop have green tea?
★ ペットボトルの緑茶はありますが、ティーバッグや茶葉はどうでしょうね。
Yesterday, I had green tea flavored ice cream. Actually, l I think it was called まっしゃ ice cream? Is that right? まっしゃ?
★ 惜しい!! まっちゃと発音します。
Oh, it’s called まっちゃ。What is まっちゃ?
★ お茶の一種で緑茶の茶葉からできています。粉になっているのが普通で緑茶よりも苦みが少し強いです。
At the hundred-yen shop, do they have any まっちゃ flavored foods or drinks?
★ あると思いますよ。私もいくつか飼いたいです。
Do they have Japanese souvenirs?
★ えぇ。伝統的な日本のものを取り扱ってます。扇子や人形があると思いますよ。他にも気のきいた小物類やお役立ちグッズもあります。
How about Japanese spices or seasonings like wasabi?
★ 調味料は数多く扱っています。ワサビだけではなく、梅の調味料も。
OK, I read about some useful Japanese kitchen tools. Have you ever bought kitchen tools at the hundred-yen shop?
★ えぇ。私の台所には100円ショップで買った小物類がたくさんあります。
OK. Where should we go first in this store?
★ そうですね。。。文具売り場。。。でも見てください!!こっちにスパイスと調味料の売り場がありますよ。ついてきてください。
By the way, can we use credit cards here? Or is it cash only at the store?
★ 私の知る限りでは、現金のみですね。